Jim and Denise Arnold of IGM in Ivory Coast, west Africa
Josh Koenig - Reaching & Teaching
Jacob & Marissa Kelley- EthNos 360
Moses Banda - Zambia Gospelink
Jordan & Maddy Alessi - Japanese in Atlanta
Cornerstone Baptist Church
(Zambia)- Gospelink
ISaac Muswala- GospeLink
Samson Olaposi Olasupo- Nigeria
Henry Mukonda - Zambia- GospeLink
Peter Oda- Tanzania- GospeLink
Caleb & Melissa Gibello
papua New Guinea
Ben & Cindy Cohen- South Sudan
John and Hannah Spaulding
Children: Beau and Sophia - Senegal/West Africa
Andy and Ballard Orr
Children: Elijah, Micah, Abraham, Jesse, Marily
Oaks International
Jonathan and Andrea DeSeno
Children: Hannah, Demetrius, Ilinca, Lidia, Victoria
Nantes, France
Missionary Family
not pictured for their safety
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