Our Core Values

Scripture Alone.

Scripture alone is our authoritative guide. We desire to conform our lives and this church to the teachings of Scripture. The Bible alone has ultimate authority and sufficiency. All we need for doctrine and practice comes from Scripture.

Faithful Service.

We seek, by God's grace, to equip, to educate, and to disciple God's people for faithful service to Christ's Kingdom.

The Biblical Gospel.

We must declare God's glory near and far. To do this, we must ensure that the Gospel we preach is the Biblical Gospel.

Marriage and Family.

We are committed to strengthen marriages and families. We uphold covenant marriage and family as the first God-ordained unit of nurture and instruction in godliness. In this, we seek also to uphold the sanctity of life in our culture of death. Marriage is the monogamous and life-long relationship between one man and one woman.

Biblical Worship.

We desire to worship God in Spirit and in truth. We believe Biblical worship engages both the mind and the heart. Worship must be thoroughly Biblical and filled with joy. It must be God-centered and not man-centered.

Regenerate Church Membership.

We uphold a regenerate church membership. Covenantal care and church discipline are a part of membership.

Expositional Preaching.

Our lives and our church are constantly being reformed by God's Word. This means expositional preaching is essential to the growth and spiritual nurture of God's people.

Congregationalism, Plurality of Elders, and Baptism.

We affirm congregationalism, a plurality of elders, and the baptism of the believer by immersion.


We long to be a prayerful church, deeply aware of God's call upon His people to pray and of His promise to answer prayer offered in faith and in accordance with His will.

Biblical Leadership.

We are committed to a godly and biblical leadership composed of elders and deacons, with lay ministry teams carrying out many aspects of the work of ministry.

Local Outreach.

We are a neighborhood church in Blairsville, Georgia. We seek to know and to care for the needs of the people in this particular community and surrounding areas.

Global Missions.

We are committed to Christ's commandment to make disciples of all nations. We long for God's glory to be proclaimed in all the earth, starting within our community.

A Light in the Community.

We are committed to provide a place of worship and spiritual instruction that is safe, attractive, and honoring to God as a light to the community.