Sermons 2023, • 2/5/23 The Ministry of John the Baptist - Luke 3:1-20 Previous The 12-Year-Old Jesus - Luke 2:39-52 Next Christ Our Victor - Luke 3:23-4:1-13 You Might Also Like Suffering Servant and Majestic God - Luke 9:23-36 Further Instructions for Disciples - Luke 17:1-10 Saved by an "M" - Luke 19:1-10 Luke 2:21-38 "The Blessing of a God-Centered Home" Christ, the Church's One Foundation - Luke 9:18-22
Sermons 2023, • 2/5/23 The Ministry of John the Baptist - Luke 3:1-20 Previous The 12-Year-Old Jesus - Luke 2:39-52 Next Christ Our Victor - Luke 3:23-4:1-13 You Might Also Like Suffering Servant and Majestic God - Luke 9:23-36 Further Instructions for Disciples - Luke 17:1-10 Saved by an "M" - Luke 19:1-10 Luke 2:21-38 "The Blessing of a God-Centered Home" Christ, the Church's One Foundation - Luke 9:18-22