Sermons 2022, • 12/18/22 Faithfully, Patiently Waiting, part 2 . Luke 2:21-38 Previous "The Meaning of the Incarnation" - 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 Next Luke 2:21-38 "The Blessing of a God-Centered Home" You Might Also Like Christ, the Mediator of the New Covenant - Luke 6:12-19 Christ, the Church's One Foundation - Luke 9:18-22 Missions and the End of the Age - Matthew 24:1-14 Who is the Greatest? - Luke 22:21-30 Suffering Servant and Majestic God - Luke 9:23-36
Sermons 2022, • 12/18/22 Faithfully, Patiently Waiting, part 2 . Luke 2:21-38 Previous "The Meaning of the Incarnation" - 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 Next Luke 2:21-38 "The Blessing of a God-Centered Home" You Might Also Like Christ, the Mediator of the New Covenant - Luke 6:12-19 Christ, the Church's One Foundation - Luke 9:18-22 Missions and the End of the Age - Matthew 24:1-14 Who is the Greatest? - Luke 22:21-30 Suffering Servant and Majestic God - Luke 9:23-36